Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Johnson Brothers  Passing Policeman  Misc  
 2. Ron Frandsen  Passing Up Passing the Sacrament  New Era May 2006 
 3. Brad Paisley  Mr. Policeman  5th Gear   
 4. Against All Authority  Policeman  24 Hour Roadside Resistance  
 5. Against All Authority  Policeman  24 Hour Roadside Resistance  
 6. BLT  policeman  Rock On! 
 7. Waldman, Anne  What the Policeman Told Me   
 8. Harry Burgess  Chicago Policeman  Swank 167; wr. Everett Hull 
 9. Harry Burgess  Chicago Policeman  from Swank Records 45, #HFCS-167 
 10. Harry Burgess  Chicago Policeman  from Swank Records 45, #HFCS-167 
 11. Waldman, Anne  What the Policeman Told Me   
 12. Casper The Friendly Ghost  Motorcycle Policeman  Musical Adventure In Make-Believe 
 13. GST Mugwump  The Rubber Policeman  While I Was Me (1996-1998) 
 14. GST Mugwump  The Rubber Policeman  'Til Someone Loses An Eye 
 15. Harry Burgess  Chicago Policeman  from Swank Records 45, #HFCS-167 
 16. Sanford Ponder / Steve Ball (P  The Policeman's Ball  Prometheus 
 17. Wesley Willis  He Killed A Policeman  Mr. Magoo Goes To Jail Vol. 3 
 18. Wesley Willis  He Killed A Policeman  Atomic Records 
 19. Benjamin Zephaniah  Dis policeman keeps on kicking me to death  Rasta 
 20. Discordance Axis  Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said  Jou Hou  
 21. Audioweb  Policeman Skank... (The Story  Fireworks City  
 22. http://www.stabbers.org  Secret Policeman - Pregnancy T  Secret Policeman's Ball 
 23. Steve Porter  Policeman O'Reilly on duty  Edison Standard Record: 10074 
 24. The Electric Medicine & Friends  Funeral for the Electric Policeman  Weedstock Vol 2 
 25. Joe Frank  City Riot - The Policeman's Ball  Work In Progress Characters And Scenes 
 26. George Lashwood  Send for a Policeman-George Lashwood 1910  English Music Hall, 1901 - 1934 
 27. George Lashwood  Send for a Policeman-George Lashwood 1910  English Music Hall, 1901 - 1934 
 28. Charles Penrose  The Laughing Policeman-Charles Penrose 1922  English Music Hall, 1901 - 1934 
 29. Charles Penrose  The Laughing Policeman-Charles Penrose 1922  English Music Hall, 1901 - 1934 
 30. Casper The Friendly Ghost  Motorcycle Policeman/Windshield Wipers Parade  Musical Adventure in Make-Believe 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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